Saturday, January 09, 2010

Forces of the internet

Hi! I live in Brooklyn.

So Miss Roz is blogging (and let us all congratulate her for getting selected to go to something at some Doctorly Iowa Writers Workshop conference thing for her doctor poems - which I really like so you should read them) -- and I just saw that other poet friend's got a poem up in the Washington Post (the newspaper of the town where my kid sister - who may be my biggest internet fan and student - lives...about a 5 minute walk from where MARVIN GAYE went to high school) --- what does it all mean?

I think it means the forces of the internet are beckoning me back to the blog. Hello, world! and hello words. Clackety clack.

I tried to constrain this a bit to being "about" something -- but until I figure out what that something is, I'm just gonna tell you 3 folks who read this how I'm doing and what I've been doing.

I'm also keeping a daily one page PAPER journal that I got for Christmas - I try to write one sentence at least in it every day (so far I've been writing in it with a pen that MY FAVORITE BAPTIST CHURCH gave me ). Oh the discipline. Come to think of it i need to write about yesterday.

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