Mardi Gras is so important to St. Louis life. It's a little silly that no one else in the world knows that. I, however, know that, and I even audaciously go to the festivities on Mardi Gras weekend (sorry IndieValentine. I really wanted to go to you, but why did you have to pick Feb 2?)
My goal for next year is to develop some sort of nutritional/hydration plan that will help me and mine to hit the town later in the mardi gras evening, as opposed me and project runway hitting the couch. In the works as well is an all girl marching krewe, a la Camel-toe Lady Steppers. How I admire my sistas down the riva! We will have to dress more seasonally in Ski Bunny fashion b/c it usually snows for Mardi Gras here in St. Louis.
I have much to learn of Acadian St. Louis/Mardi Gras Tradition before the wheels start a'turnin' -- and lucky for me I have about a year to learn all there is. I know I can use my sister's mad trombone skillz somewhere in there, and her dignity will be prepared for it after a year in our Nation's Capitol. You, reader, should join in on the fun.
Hm, where was I? Oh yes. My kid sister and gave ourselves mardi gras makeovers courtesy of The Future Antiques. How much do you love these guys?
So here's the timeline of my sister and I:
- Drink at suburban home, hop on metrolink at Maplewood (an inspired decision! hurrah for metrolink! It looked like a fair share of inebriated surburban kiddos were getting their first taste of Public Transportation, and all the better! Gotta start somewhere.)
- Wander the lovely Acadian neighborhood of Soulard
- met some out of towners, said hello, welcome, etc...
- saw some high school buddies, mention of some house somewhere, perhaps a party, hmm
- enjoyed a sandwich I had surreptitiously packed in my purse
- got overwhelmed and decided to flee west down Russell
- 20-30 minutes later, arrived on grand, and it was time for a makeover, b/c we were soggy
- $5 rack at TFA = inspired!
Allow me to delight you with our before/after shots.
And then we went to dinner at The King and I in our new dinner outfits.
& it was fun.
(ps I'm trying to geo-tag these posts for the sake of .. let's hope it works!)
I wish I coulda been there. I threw it down myself. I seem to have an oddly high number of New Orleans friends in NYC.
NOLA is pervasive! It's a good thing.
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