Sunday, April 09, 2006

Vacation for a living (add LSATS)

So I'm taking the LSATS in June. June 12th to be exact. I'm excited to have a goal for myself that will be culminating shortly....I'm sure I can work in 2+ hours of study a day. even while I'm vacationing for a living.
I'd like to take off after the LSATS and move to DC and just swing dance until France (which I havn't heard about BTW), and maybe I can. Others have done this...bohemian hipster types. I could for a summer, espesh if mer is living in DC.
Ok, got to practice the guitar.
-sylvia plath's diaries are suprisingly awesome and not at all depressing
-I beefed on the street while falling, and totally tore up the palm of my hand
-hung out w/ an old robinson boy, he was trashy, no suprises there (must find a way to meet not high school people...where are the upwardly mobile in this town? The ones who didn't all go to "Missouri State"???)
- Reading a moveable feast - its pretty good...interesting. Not particularly pulling at the strings of my heart, but I dig it.
-I'm working at testimo's seems fun! I hope I can be a good salesperson.
-I also wish that i could work on a campaign here...I'll bug some more people about that sooon enough.

peace out.

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